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Is a Terrorist More Likely to Kill You with a Book or a .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle? The Answer to that Question Tells You a Lot About Why the [Un]Patriot Act is a Soviet-Style Power Grab and Has More to Do with Ensuring Long-term Republican Rule than Protecting Us. - December 15, 2005 Democrats in Senate Act as An Opposition Party: Republicans Dumbstruck - November 2, 2005 How Karl Rove Got His Groove Back -- And Other Sordid Tales of the White House Betraying America - November 1, 2005 The Last Passion of the Democratic Party - September 29, 2005 Big Daddy - September 19, 2005 We have the most partisan, incompetent, elitist, manipulative, sleazy, dishonest, corrupt White House in memory, and the Democrats get scared that they might be called partisan! - September 12, 2005 You Can't Pray a Lie, Except if You are George W. Bush - September 8, 2005 The Longer Bush Stays in the White House, The More That the National Security of the United States is Endangered - September 5, 2005 Incompetence, Lying and the Betrayal of a Nation: It's Deja Vu All Over Again -- And More Death and Chaos from "The Master of Disaster," George W. Bush - September 3, 2005 Sign the Petition of Redress. Either the Bush Kids Put Their Lives on the Line for George's "Noble War" or the Troops Come Home. - August 30, 2005 America Used to Pride Itself on Championing Success. Now the Busheviks Cheer on Failure and Smear Patriots Who Would Make America More Secure. - August 25, 2005 Add Cindy Sheehan to the list. She too dared to stand up for the truth, after losing a son in Bush's war, and found herself in a ditch. - August 10, 2005 GOP Goes for Broke in Defending Treason: The Withering Republican Assault on Truth, Justice and the Rule of Law - July 18, 2005 If a Mob Boss Says to a Hit Man, "Kill Jim Smith's Wife," Can He Claim He Didn't Order the Murder Because He Didn't Mention Her Name? Apparently, That's Karl Rove's Thinking. - July 12, 2005 Bush is Killing America by Claiming Failure as Proof of Success - July 11, 2005 In Plain Sight: Why the Betrayal of Our National Security by the Bush White House Matters - July 5, 2005 Senator Durbin Had Nothing to Apologize For - June 23, 2005 Busheviks Launch Diversionary Attack Against Dick Durbin for Telling the Truth About Gitmo. If You're Not a Member of "The Liar's Club," Expect a Withering Character Attack from the White House. - June 17, 2005 The Secret Service is Entrusted to Protect the President, but the Secret Service Still Works for and is Accountable to the American People - June 13, 2005 Bushevik Mafia and the Cowering Media - June 7, 2005 The War to Deceive America Into War -- And the War to Cover Up the Deception - June 6, 2005 The War for American Constitutional Democracy - May 23, 2005 Without Media Reform, the Bush Thugs Will Stay in Power. It's That Simple - May 16, 2005 Andrea Mitchell Has a New Book Coming Out in the Fall. It Should be Called, "I'm What's Wrong with Journalism." - May 12, 2005 Rep. John Conyers, Jr., On Judicial Nominations, Partisanship and the Filibuster - May 11, 2005 The White House Goes Psychic as It Shreds Our Constitutional Rights - May 10, 2005 A Pro-Democracy Day on - May 2, 2005 Nuking The Filibuster: How the GOP Wants to Put Duct Tape Around Mr. Smith - April 27, 2005 The Myth of the Three Northeast Republican Moderates: They're Republicans, Stupid! - April 26, 2005 The Republican Party Loyalty Oath, Courtesy of Kim Jong Il of North Korea - April 25, 2005 It Will be Karl Rove Who Brings Down Tom DeLay, Not the Democrats. - April 11, 2005 Terri Schiavo Was Just An Innocent Bystander To A Political, Elmer Gantry Circus Of GOP Political Opportunists And Religious Hucksters - March 28, 2005 BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Tom DeLay - March 26, 2005 BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Karen Hughes - March 19, 2005 BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Wayne LaPierre - March 12, 2005 BuzzFlash Vs. The New York Times - March 8, 2005 BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Bill Keller - March 5, 2005 BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week: George W. Bush - February 25, 2005 Red State Alert: Rove-Orchestrated GOP Says Gay Prostitution is Fine With Them -- A BuzzFlash Editorial - February 23, 2005 "So you're not gay if you're on top." - February 20, 2005 BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Wolf Blitzer - February 19, 2005 Wanted: An Investigative Reporter to Break Open the Explosive Story of a Mainstream Press that Betrays America - February 18, 2005 GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Howard Kurtz - February 11, 2005 It's Mourning in America: We Pay Bush's Salary and He Bars Us From Hearing Him - February 7, 2005 GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Jeff Gannon - February 5, 2005 GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Alberto Gonzales - January 28, 2005 Bush's Bold Vision is Rhetoric: Bush's Utter Failure is Stunning Incompetence - January 22, 2005 GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Condoleezza Rice - January 22, 2005 The Kennebunkport Corleone WASPs Seize Firm Control of America Inc. on Inauguration Day, 2005 - January 20, 2005 Torture Island: A FOX Reality-Based TV Show Starring Congressional Leaders, With Your Host Alberto Gonzales - January 19, 2005 It's Not the Size of the Dog in the Fight; It's the Size of the Fight in the Dog. The Lesson of Paul Wellstone. - January 18, 2005 The Banality of Evil: We are All Torturers Now - January 17, 2005 Corrupt Crony Capitalism Vs. the Free Market Economy: Marketing Failure as Success: The "George W. Bush" Story - January 15, 2005 GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Armstrong Williams - January 15, 2005 BuzzFlash Got 15 of the Reasons Bush Invaded Iraq Right, But One Wrong - January 14, 2005 Christian Nation or Medieval Coup to Overturn Our Constitution? Or Both? - January 13, 2005 Let's Talk About Sex - January 12, 2005 Father Dearest - January 11, 2005 Bush's Baby Tax: A Bill for Tens of Thousands of Dollars Presented to Every Baby Born in America By George W. Bush. - January 10, 2005 Indulging "Le Donald" Endangers the Personal Security of Every American - January 9, 2005 A Confederacy of Cruel Dunces - January 8, 2005 The BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week: Dino Rossi - January 8, 2005 Are the Bush Twins Influenced by the Evil Liberal Press? - January 7, 2005 Truman Never Gave the Republicans Hell, Harry Truman Claimed. "I Just Told the Truth and They Thought it Was Hell." - January 6, 2005 The "Coarsening of American Culture" by the Republican Party - January 5, 2005 The Fallacious Notion that News Coverage is Objective - January 4, 2005 "Do Ka-Ka!": What the Democrats Have Never Learned from the Infamous Willie Horton Ad - January 3, 2005 The Perfect Storm of Government/Media Deception: New Communications Technology Lends a Helping Hand - January 2, 2005 GOP Hypocrite of the Year: George W. Bush - January 1, 2005 You may also be interested in this article: Rediscovering Amber: The Best Christmas Present 2024 |