Archive for October, 2007

The absolute louse who “leads” us

Friday, October 26th, 2007

What a despicable little louse occupies the White House, shaming the nation by his mere presence there.  Did you happen to catch the video of him touring the damage in California (causing additional suffering to the victims in the process)?  I was particularly taken by one shot in which he was “comforting” a woman who lost her home to one of the fires.  He was patting her on the back, trying with all his might to look compassionate.  But the way he patted her was so obviously artificial that it looked more like a halfhearted effort to dislodge a piece of prune Danish caught in someone’s throat than a display of true sympathy.

That’s always been a problem for Bush, of course — he just can never do the compassion thing convincingly since he’s a man who’s largely incapable of true compassion.  His heart bleeds only for oil companies.

But one thing he’s always capable of working up real enthusiasm for, of course, is political exploitation of tragedy.  Thus, this little ditty:

(Times-Picayune) Bush takes shot at Blanco while touring wildfires  

BATON ROUGE –As the California wildfires continued to rage Thursday, so too did the political feud between President Bush and Gov. Kathleen Blanco that has smoldered since the federal government’s slow response to Hurricane Katrina.

The latest flare-up came when Bush, while touring the California disaster area, took an apparent swipe at Blanco’s post-Katrina leadership as he complimented California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“It makes a significant difference when you have somebody in the statehouse willing to take the lead,” Bush said, according to the Associated Press.

The president’s statement, coming from a White House that seems determined to avoid a repeat in California of the public-relations disaster that followed Katrina, brought a swift response from Blanco.

In a statement forwarded by her press office, Blanco noted that it took federal forces nearly a week to arrive in Louisiana after the storm. “I was the only game in town, leading for nearly a week without the president’s help,” Blanco said.

Yup, a class act that president of ours.

Hell yes I like talking about the 60s

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

Over at Eschaton, the dependably snarky Duncan Black is being, well, snarky again. That’s not a slam, by the way. In Blogworld there’s no higher accolade than being called snarky. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of a sick bunch.

Anyway, Duncan is sick and tired of having age-impaired types like me discuss contemporary issues by using analogies to the 60s. Here’s his opening salvo:

I really don’t understand that generation. I cannot imagine that 40 years from now I’ll view every single political issue through the lens of some brief period in my youth. I don’t even do that now.

(He follows up here.)

Having been born in 1955, I was too young to actually go to Woodstock or engage in antiwar protests: I experienced the upheavals of the 60s more by osmosis. Still, of all the decades I’ve lived through so far, when viewed from the standpoint of politics and popular culture, none of the others can hold a candle to the 60s.

So why do those of us who lived through the 60s insist on using 60s examples so often in discussing current events? Maybe because all of the decades you young whippersnappers have managed to produce since have been intolerably dull by comparison.

Look at it this way: Given the choice of a universe of analogies to describe Juliet, which one did Shakespeare’s Romeo choose?

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.

So why did Shakespeare choose the sun as an analogy, when he could have used something more modern, say, the electric light bulb (yeah, I know it hadn’t been invented yet, but go with me on this)?

Because saying “and Juliet is a light bulb” just wouldn’t have had the same sparkle, would it?

So here’s the deal, Duncan, if you don’t like 60s types using Woodstock as a cultural reference, just exactly what modern day alternative are you offering? Britney Spears on the MTV Video Music Awards?

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Dumbing down doesn’t begin to touch it

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

We’ve all heard complaints about the “dumbing down” of American political discourse.  But in the case of the so-called debate over whether waterboarding constitutes torture, dumbing down doesn’t begin to touch it. 

Here one more time is our probably soon to be attorney general embarrassing himself through a particularly clumsy effort to dodge the question of whether waterboarding is constitutional:

Check it out on TPM video.

Never one to be outdone in the art of dumbing down, however, America’s mayor himself, Rudy Giuliani, has also now jumped squarely aboard the doofus express.

(The Caucus) In His Words: Giuliani on Torture

Linda Gustitus, who is the president of a group called the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, began her question by saying that President Bush’s nominee for attorney general, Michael B. Mukasey (who happens to be an old friend of Mr. Giuliani’s) had “fudged” on the question of whether waterboarding is toture.

“I wanted to ask you two questions,’’ she said. “One, do you think waterboarding is torture? And two, do you think the president can order something like waterboarding even though it’s against U.S. and international law?’’

Mr. Giuliani responded: “Okay. First of all, I don’t believe the attorney general designate in any way was unclear on torture. I think Democrats said that; I don’t think he was.’’

Ms. Gustitus said: “He said he didn’t know if waterboarding is torture.”

Mr. Giuliani said: “Well, I’m not sure it is either. I’m not sure it is either. It depends on how it’s done. It depends on the circumstances. It depends on who does it. I think the way it’s been defined in the media, it shouldn’t be done. The way in which they have described it, particularly in the liberal media. So I would say, if that’s the description of it, then I can agree, that it shouldn’t be done. But I have to see what the real description of it is. Because I’ve learned something being in public life as long as I have. And I hate to shock anybody with this, but the newspapers don’t always describe it accurately.”

Personally, I think Giuliani has a point: after all, it’s only unkind waterboarding that’s torture.  Friendly waterboarding is something else altogether.

Like I said: dumbing down doesn’t begin to touch it.

Throw away question of the day: What do you think of Daily Kos?

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

I greatly admire everything Markos has accomplished, and Daily Kos has done a great deal of good.  But . . .

To be honest, I find the site sort of overwhelming.  So many front page contributors.  So many diaries.  So much, well, everything.  Unless you’re a site groupie who spends most of your time there it can be hard to keep up.  Or maybe I’m just slow (please don’t ask my wife or my two young sons to comment on that issue).

So, what do you think about Daily Kos?

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Atheists who need to get a life

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

This is a story from a little while back, but I’ve been out of pocket for awhile, so it’s all new to me.

According to PZ Myers at Pharyngula, the crowd at this year’s Freedom from Religion Conference gave Christopher Hitchens a rousing welcome when he rose to speak. The congenitally annoying Hitchens has apparently become something of a star among the rabidly atheist crowd thanks to his bestselling book, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. So they gave him a standing ovation.

I’m sorry, but for a group of secular humanists to give Christopher Hitchens a standing ovation because he wrote a book about atheism is approximately equivalent to a group of liberal children’s librarians giving George W. Bush a standing ovation because he once read The Pet Goat. It shows a rather shocking lack of perspective.

In an American punditocracy that is far from lacking in villains, Hitchens stands head and shoulders above most of the rest in infamy. He not only helped to cheerlead this nation into a disastrous war in Iraq, he shamefully attacked the honor and patriotism of those on the left who opposed the war. Even today, he remains an unapologetic pro-war flack.

In fairness, Myers does say that much of the audience at the Freedom from Religion Conference turned on Hitchens after he showed his true colors in his speech. And that’s worth something, I suppose, but I still can’t get that standing ovation out of my head. I mean, if you can’t trust atheists to refrain from worshiping false deities, who can you?

I wish I believed our leaders were sane

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

If I did, things like this wouldn’t scare me so much.

(ABC) Bomb Iran? U.S. Requests Bunker-Buster Bombs

Tucked inside the White House’s $196 billion emergency funding request for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is an item that has some people wondering whether the administration is preparing for military action against Iran.

The item: $88 million to modify B-2 stealth bombers so they can carry a newly developed 30,000-pound bomb called the massive ordnance penetrator, or, in military-speak, the MOP.

The MOP is the the military’s largest conventional bomb, a super “bunker-buster” capable of destroying hardened targets deep underground. The one-line explanation for the request said it is in response to “an urgent operational need from theater commanders.”

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Saturday, October 20th, 2007

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Paul and I

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

I’ve been traveling again (with my laptop dead), so just a quick word. Paul Krugman has an excellent new column out that says almost the exact same thing I said in this recent post. Really, the similarities are almost eerie.

And, no, I don’t think he got the idea from me.

But a guy can dream, can’t he?

Life without parole

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

Any nation that follows the practice of sentencing 13 or 14-year-olds to life in prison without possibility of parole has seriously lost its sense of moral perspective: end of debate.

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George W. Bush: Still bin Laden’s best friend

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

I know this is old news, but some gut-wrenching oldies but “goodies” demand repetition. And that’s certainly true in the case of the obvious truth that the war in Iraq is the best thing that’s ever happened to al-Qaeda. Here’s the latest edition.

(MSNBC) Hatred of U.S. drives al-Qaida recruiting

The Bush administration rejects the idea that the war in Iraq has driven young Arab men into the arms of al-Qaida. But if you believe the young men themselves, the administration is wrong.

At a Baghdad jail for prisoners who have attacked U.S. forces, everyone — to a man — says it was the U.S. occupation of Iraq that drove them to violence. And they are not alone. Across the Middle East and South Asia, the same story can be heard in Internet cafes, mosques, safe houses and prisons.

* * *

Interviews with Farhan and other radicals reveal that many young men were torn when it came time to choose sides. Even though they fight alongside al-Qaida, they insist that — contrary to what U.S. officials say — they do not support al-Qaida. Many, in fact, say they hate al-Qaida.

But they hate the United States more.

It’s all been such a sickening waste — so much blood and treasure thrown away in pursuit of the neocons’ insane dreams of glory; and at the end of the day we stand far less secure as a result. Meanwhile, these very same armchair warriors, still sitting on their exalted Beltway perches, keep hard at work trying to lead the nation into yet another Middle Eastern disaster in Iran.

On second thought, the word sickening doesn’t even begin to describe it.

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