Who Spams for Katherine Harris?
We’ve been getting some really odd spam in the Cafe comments. Most have been caught by the spam filter, but some made their way to the comments holding bin (which were then deleted with glee). They all have different email addresses, but the same IP (click the IP to see the whois info):
Name: Raymond | E-mail: | IP: | Date: September 7, 2006
But guys what about the good changes that she has brought about like the Pension Protection Act and Deep Ocean Energy Resource Act… I think this lady believes in action.
He’s referring to Katherine Harris, which is obvious from other spam comments we’ve received that use her name and that are all attempting to comment on Cafe entries about Harris.
Since there’s no url to some nefarious web site (most of the 1400+ pieces of spam the Cafe deleted had strange-looking web urls and were filled with male enhancement, online gambling and other such spam gibberish), one could conclude that the comment spamming is being initiated by someone interested in Harris winning that Florida Senate seat, a highly unlikely prospect given Florida voter’s dislike of her.
Truthfully, her chances of winning or so slim, even hardcore Republicans on Free Republic think she’s got a snowball’s chance in hell: “Will the last Harris staffer to quit please turn off the lights and lock the office door on their way out?”
So, is Harris so desperate that she’s resorting to blog comment spamming?
- Greg
September 8th, 2006 at 12:25 am
Could be. Could be. As you say, the woman is desperate.
September 15th, 2006 at 10:37 am
More Katherine Harris Comment Spam Victims…
My post earlier this week about the Katherine Harris comment spam from India has drawn quite a bit of traffic and media interest. One of the big questions was if anybody else had received similar comments from India. Turns out……