Too late for photo ops

As Eric Alterman points out, the media is all a twitter over Bush’s simply fab Iraq photo op.

The New York Times’ Sheryl Gay Stolberg says:

It was powerful political theater, choreographed by an experienced team that played up the drama and secrecy of the moment.

The Washington Post’s Peter Baker says:

Bush took full command of the political stage with his five-hour appearance in Baghdad,

The New York Daily News’ Thomas DeFrank says:

Big Mo has returned to the Oval Office.


As hard as it is to believe, the major media still doesn’t get it: Bush’s ratings aren’t in the toilet because Rove & Co. somehow mysteriously lost their gift for throwing really keen photo ops.  His ratings are in the toilet because photo ops just don’t cut it anymore.

Iraq is a murderous mess.  And a five-hour visit from Bush, with or without a plastic turkey, isn’t going to change that one iota.  And even if this particular example of Bush’s love of grandstanding does somehow earn him a small bump in the polls, it probably won’t last a week, as the unrelenting truth of the disaster on the ground in Iraq continues to assert itself. 

Bush doesn’t need “powerful political theater,” “command of the political stage” or “Big Mo.”  He needs a solution to getting us out of the nightmare in Iraq.

And just in case anyone might think it relevant, that’s also what the United States needs. 

3 Responses to “Too late for photo ops”

  1. SWConnie Says:

    Photo shop!!!!!!! I looked at the picture of Bush shaking hands with whatever his name is, and my first thought was photo shop. Just study the picture. Here is a man who didn’t want overseas duty when in the NA, had people sign a loyalty oath before they were allowed into one of his campaign speeches so there would be no one to challange him, and we are to believe that this coward was brave enough to set foot on Iraqi soil. I even had my doubts about that Thankgiving trip. And those who pay attention know that this WH has put out propaganda as real news. OH I am so bad.

  2. Again Says:

    He needs a solution to getting us out of the nightmare in Iraq.
    And just in case anyone might think it relevant, that’s also what the United States needs.

    there is only one solution - impeachment

    but alas, members of the Royal Family don’t have to fear that



    each and every human with a working brain understand the message (”And they shall be known by their deeds”) of Bush’s formula:

    Iraq + freedom + democracy + liberation + American friends + further bunch of froth = RunAwayAsFastAsYouCan

    to repeat SWConnie: “we are to believe that this coward was brave enough to set foot on Iraqi soil”

    yes, i never saw a politician run that fast!

    i guess, we should tell the PR of Bush about the power of body language, but maybe they hadn’t just a chance to realize a “better outcome” (at least, two days after 9/11 it had worked, when the Royal Heir dressed more like Joe Sixpack than like his HaveMores to make forget his really unconcerned performance facing the greatest tragedy of our times)

    the American President in Airforce 1 (Harrison Ford and Roland Emmerich must be really ashamed!)

    Bush - the RunAwayAsFastAsYouCan…

    did give the world a true idea of American bravery - great photo op!!

  3. Again Says:

    PS: sorry to have been a little unclear:

    1) SWConnie AMEN!

    means just “great post, SWConnie”

    2) to repeat SWConnie: “we are to believe that this coward was brave enough to set foot on Iraqi soil”

    yes, i never saw a politician run that fast!

    agreed to the “coward”, but i guess, the speed “Speedy George” showed, proved at least, that he really THOUGHT to be in danger - and, btw, i guess, the PR can’t allow another “plastic turkey”, so they needed some witnesses…

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