Hillary Clinton from the heart

Interesting.  Almost 40 years ago, Edmund Muskie, the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in 1968, saw his candidacy destroyed as a result of shedding tears publicly in New Hampshire.

Is it possible that Hillary Clinton, a former frontrunner, will see her campaign jump-started as a result of doing almost the same thing?

As regulars here know, I have serious concerns with Clinton.  But I have to say, after watching her for so many years trying so hard to seem so tough, this one moment of human “weakness” may constitute one of her most compelling public moments ever.

I doubt that this will be the take of the major media, and certainly not among the professional Clinton haters.  I suspect we’ll be seeing a lot of “look at the little girl cry” type commentary.  In fact, in briefly surfing the web right before posting this, I find myself out on a limb pretty much alone here.  But so be it, because I’m far from sure this is going play out with the public the way all the smart boys and girls believe it will.

Like I said: interesting.

Update: For what it’s worth, I’m not totally alone.  Josh Marshall seems to agree, although he is (appropriately) less effusive about it.  Ultimately, he’s probably right: while this may be a net plus for Clinton it probably won’t make a huge difference.

Second update — because one update is never enough: again, even speaking as a Clinton doubter, I think echidne does a nice job of pointing out the double standard at play here.  If I were a woman this would piss me off.  Actually, it pisses me off as a man.

3 Responses to “Hillary Clinton from the heart”

  1. Hillary Clinton » Blog Archive » Hillary Clinton from the heart Says:

    [...] tortuca wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptIs it possible that Hillary Clinton, a former frontrunner, will see her campaign jump-started as a result of doing almost the same thing? As regulars here know, I have serious concerns with Clinton. But I have to say, after watching her … [...]

  2. Larkrise Says:

    I still cannot support Hillary Clinton for President. But, I truly believe her show of emotion was genuine and heartfelt. It is cruel to assume otherwise. The woman is exhausted. She has given her all in this campaign. She has worked constantly and steadfastly to achieve her dream. Yes, she has made mistakes. Some of those mistakes have caused me to withhold my support. But, she is human; she sees her dream slipping away; and she hurts because of it. I know she loves this country. She does see what horrors 7 years of George W. Bush have produced. She feels she can right them. Even if she does not become the candidate for President, I believe she will continue in public service. Let’s cut her some slack. More than that, let’s give her a round of applause for caring so deeply.

  3. alwayshope Says:

    I agree Larkrise.
    She showed she is a human being, she cares deeply about the wrongs of bush. I don’t support her for president but yes…let’s give her a break. What she endures daily must be completely exhausting. The reporters who cover our politics these days are no better than the vultures that follow Britney and Paris around. I’d be crying in frustration and anger all the time if I were in her shoes.

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