Guess what? Bush lied about Iraq
In the category of: well, yeah, what else is new?
(AP) Study: False statements preceded war
A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations found that President Bush and top administration officials issued hundreds of false statements about the national security threat from Iraq in the two years following the 2001 terrorist attacks.
The study concluded that the statements “were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses.”
The study was posted Tuesday on the Web site of the Center for Public Integrity, which worked with the Fund for Independence in Journalism.
On a less flippant note, the participants in and funders for this study are to be commended. We need to build as complete a historical record as possible of the Bush Administration’s crimes. This is true, if for no other reason, so that we’ll be ready to fight back with the revisionists go to work.
Still, it’s hard to keep from thinking that in a sane world we would no longer be collecting evidence of Bush’s crimes: we’d be prosecuting them.
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January 23rd, 2008 at 1:43 am
With fools like Nancy Pelosi in charge and Harry Reid, Bush will never be held accountable for his high crimes against humanity. Neither one has the guts to hold him accountable. Pelosi keeps whining that it would be too divisive to put impeachment on the table. What she really means is she hasnt the backbone to see it through. Instead, they are going to spend weeks squabbling in Congress over an Economic Stimulus Package that wont solve anything anyway. Too bad we cant harness the Hot Air that comes off of the Hill. It would be a great source of renewable energy.
January 23rd, 2008 at 3:21 am
What I find interesting, is that I knew this before we went to war with Iraq. I have the files in my library of some of the stuff that was written and concluded there was no truth to the whole thing.
Those files, and those following this illegal war, are in 3-wring binders, now comprising 3 linear feet of my library. (It’s a big library, so 3 feet isn’t all that much of the total, but still, it stands out.) I don’t keep as much on this war as I used to just because it got too repetitious, but I do keep all the Dahr Jamail news letters.
January 23rd, 2008 at 4:30 am
And speaking of Bush, I’m happy to announce that our Washington State Legislature has introduced a bill calling for the impeachment of George & Dick. I Suspect it will pass.
January 24th, 2008 at 2:01 pm
I read this and thought the same thing Steve did. Why are we just archiving the lies and documenting the crimes? Why on earth aren’t we arresting these lawbreakers and evildoers and prosecuting them? Our country has lost it’s way. WE, the people, feel powerless and so we do nothing but rail at the injustice. When I was school, we had civics class, I don’t think that exists at school anymore. My teacher had a sign over the doorway, “Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.”
This Congress has allowed bad governance by refusing to stand against the bad officials we elected through apathy and nonparticipation by most Americans. How do we reach those who say, “Oh, I hate politics”, and don’t realize that they may as well hate their country and themselves.
We need to be citizens, not consumers. We can only change the dynamic by voting. We need to throw out those who won’t do their duty to impeach the liars and crminals infecting our government. There is plenty of blame to go around; the media, the Congress and the good citizens who don’t vote can share the blame…but there are two men who must be held to account for their illegal actions. Impeachment is the cure.
Bush is the disease. Cheney is the disease.
How do we get the good citizens to care enough to vote with us?
Or do we just wait and hope as in this verse from an old poem,
” Without me, the world’s course will not fail
when all it’s work is done, the lie shall rot
the truth is great and shall prevail
when none care whether it prevail or not.”
- Coventry Patmore