I am so proud of Gov. Kulongoski

You have probably heard the story by now: Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski is spending a week trying to get by on just $21 for groceries — the amount spent by the state’s average food stamp recipient.  What a terrific way to publicize the true state of the lives America’s poor live.  Let’s just see some rightwing gasbag talk about welfare queens in response to this.

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3 Responses to “I am so proud of Gov. Kulongoski”

  1. Larkrise Says:

    Most states have workfare, rather than welfare. And, it is limited. The food pantries are stretched to the limit. The majority of people using them are the working poor. The numbers keep increasing. The majority of people we help in Beggars for the Poor are chronic alcoholics/drug addicts with brain damage, and the chronically mentally ill. They are unable to hold jobs. Somehow, I just cant envision Mitch Daniels reaching out to them. Oh yes, alwayshope, thanks for the kind words. Did you see where Randall Tobias got his just desserts? Big embarrassment. Got caught in the D.C. call-girl scandal. He and Marianne have been such a loud noise in Indy. She spends her efforts on the arts(besides marrying rich men:meow,meow) and calls it charity. I hate to admit it, but I cannot resist Schadenfreude. He turns out to be another Bush bunko job. He was supposed to be fighting AIDS, but used the position to push right-wing agendas.

  2. iowametal76 Says:

    My guess is they (the gasbags, I mean) won’t comment on it at all. If it doesn’t make The News, then it didn’t happen. And if it’s a call-in show, or a show with panelists, etc, and someone brings it up, all Hannity or whoever has to do is scoff and blow it off as a cheap (haha!) publicity stunt and immediately move to attack those “abusing the system” and cover up the issue with some carefully placed shouting. No, unfortunately, outside of the blogosphere and Comedy Central, this won’t get any press at all.

  3. alwayshope Says:

    Yes Larkrise, I saw that about Tobias, the latest in a long line of hypocrites to show their dark side.

    I imagine that Governor Kulonski’s effort will be blown off as PR, but the Governor will gain something very valuable. empathy.
    May he use it wisely and often.

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