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Order amoxicillin pills, I actually think the ongoing contest has the potential to help the Democrats win -- by making the eventual nominee a better candidate -- if it can be kept civil. South Dakota SD , But then, I also think that I have the potential of living forever, αγοράζουν φτηνά amoxicillin, Oregon OR Ore. , assuming, of course, order amoxicillin no prescription, Order amoxicillin online cheap, I can arrange things so that I never die. Unfortunately, comprar amoxicillin baratos, Comprar amoxicillin de descuento, neither of these eventualities seems all that likely to come to pass.
And if things keep getting nastier in the campaign, Indiana IN Ind. , Maryland MD Md. , as it seems clear is going to happen, then I think it definitely will hurt the party’s chances in November, Koop korting amoxicillin. Um amoxicillin online, What worries me isn’t so much the business of giving McCain ammunition, as it is the degree to which a profound bitterness is being seeded into both campaigns and among their supporters, ordering amoxicillin no rx. I think a lot political professionals and pundits are underestimating this kind of damage, because they’re failing to take into account how much these attacks may eventually turn off all of those new Democratic voters who are flocking to the polls this year, order amoxicillin pills. Acheter amoxicillin, If Hillary Clinton gets the nomination after ridiculing Obama’s politics of hope, for example, kopen goedkope amoxicillin, Comprare amoxicillin sconto, she can hardly count on much support from new voters who were brought into the process by that very message. Similarly, if voters brought into the process over excitement about Hillary’s campaign end up believing she was unfairly treated, they also may stay home in November, should Obama end up the candidate.
And if we lose those new voters then we're back to the same red/blue split we had in 2000 and 2004, and that didn't work out all that well, as I seem to recall.
So, what do you think. Will the ongoing nomination fight hurt the Democrats’ chances.
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March 7th, 2008 at 5:57 am
There have been polls http://quimble.com/poll/view/9015 and the data shows it a long way from making anyone stay home
March 7th, 2008 at 6:21 am
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. I am for Obama and will have a very hard time supporting HRC but I will likley do it – given the alternative of another four years of Republican “leadership” – “Bomb, bomb, bomb . . . bomb bomb Iran” – can’t wait to hear that clip played over and over and over again.
Newbies who came into the fray because of Barack Obama will be disillusioned unless Barack delivers the speech of his lifetime that somehow magnanimously pulls the party together. (This is one thing I don’t expect from Hillary.)
March 7th, 2008 at 6:24 am
In some ways the candidate we choose will be vetted and road tested and that could be a good thing.
March 7th, 2008 at 8:51 am
I’m one of those who will happily and enthusiastically support whoever wins the nomination. I think it’s time that both Clinton and Obama turn their attention to defeating John McSameAsBush. My fear is that we Democrats are going to again do what we do so well: lose an election that we should win in a landslide!
March 7th, 2008 at 9:13 am
Hello Cafe Crowd,
I’m a Florida Dem still fuming from our disenfranchisement and subsequent theft of the 2000 election. My gut feelings on this are that Obama and Clinton are doing the dirty work of the GOP at this time. I think the only way it will truly hurt the Party is if the newly energized, newly registered voters feel their intentions count for nothing. I was at one time a very staunch Clinton supporter. That was in the days before she penned legislation to ban flag-burning, and then of course the vote to give authorization to go to war in Iraq. At that time I had sent emails to all the Congress persons I knew of, saying: “As a Mom, I know not to give my two-year-old a steak knife, so how can you give authorization for an invasion of a sovereign nation to a criminal like GWB?” The very conservative Dem Senator from my state of Florida, Bob Graham voted against the authorization, so for me, HRC’s vote was another bit of triangulation, political strategy to show she was “as tough as any man” and it sickened me.
I truly feel that as progressives, we have not made enough noise about the Invasion and its consequences. I am also sickened by the “Muslim smear” attempts and how easily they seem to work on the American electorate. Are we schizophrenic or what? We are sending our healthiest young men and women into harms way to “defend” the Iraqi people and yet we show great contempt and disgust for all Muslims. The fear of the Other is a powerful weapon against clear and rational thought, and the Clinton campaign’s attempts to adopt this formerly GOP tactic is very disheartening. I want to still respect Senator Clinton, but it is getting harder every day. She is taking her own and her husband’s legacy down into the mud with these tactics, but as to damaging the Party itself, I can olnly hope that loyalty to the Clintons will not trump the love of Democracy.
March 7th, 2008 at 10:34 am
I have been telling everyone for weeks that I would be happy with either Clinton or Obama in November. After the past couple of weeks, I have begun to change my mind. What I have seen coming from the Clinton campaign makes me sick. Is she on the RNC payroll now?
If I am given a choice in November of Hillary Rodham Lieberman or George W. McCain, the choice will be easy for me…Ralph Nader. I am sick and tired of the negative campaigning and I will not reward it with my vote.
March 7th, 2008 at 12:47 pm
Juliinjax says it all so well. I’m tired of the poor media victim Hillare. I was also a great supporter of Hilary but have no come to a point that even if she gets the nomination I will have a difficult time voting for her. As a NY’er she has been one of my senators. All hope I had for when I first voted for her has gone away long ago. The “I did not know what I di now” excuse does not hold water as she just didn’t vote to authorize the war, she actually made a speach on the floor to sopport her vote. I voted for her a seconmd time hoping that she would finally find a progressive independent voice but she has clearly demonstrated that she is from the same old school of many in congress. The fact is there really isn’t much difference between either side of the asile. They are all profiting equally. Hillary is just Joe Lieberman in a dress.
The problem with Hilary is not that she is a woman, it isn’t that she is Bills wife, it isn’t that the poress doesn’t treat her fairly. The problem is Hilary herself. The media and the pundits may think that we just await directions from the MSM to form our opinions but the reality is that many people are just on to who she actually is dispite her efforts to have us spun. She is part of the old guard machine that while making a little noise for show, has continued to march along in step with this administration and held no one, including themselves, accountable. Hillary is accountable for her votes in regard to the invasion and death, destruction and devistation it has caused. The president and the rest of this government failed after Katrina, yet no one has stood up to take any responsability.
The past two presidential elections have been stolen. Where is the outcry or concern from Hilary or the media. Problems in VT and Ohio in the primaries, two states that she “won”, suggest that she possibly has good reason to not be shouting about fair elections. Truly good responsible people can’t win when when there isn’t a system for fair and honest elections.
Hilary is just a part of that old machine that has worked hard to protect the interests of their corporate supporters and their potential for personal gain from their affiliations. I too very much wanted to be a Hillary supporter. But unfortunately the reality of who she is makes that impossible for me. I could possibly support Obama, however Nader is looking good here and I may just have to go that way. Forget the nonsense that Nader cost Gore the election. The fact is THAT ELECTION WAS STOLEN. It was a criminal deed, not the effect of a grumpy old spoiler.
Hilary is a part of all that has happened since then. She is an insider who has grown rich by knowing where the money comes from. I do not think that she has gotten so wealthy in the past several years from lecture fees alone. Hilary is clearly an inside player. Not intersted in the people of this country or the conditions they have to endure to maintain a decent life. Protect the flag so that we can wave it prodly over the death and destruction we have caused. Poor Hilary, no. She is who she is, and that is the problem.
March 7th, 2008 at 4:14 pm
Question of the day: will the ongoing nomination fight hurt the Democrats’ chances?…
I actually think the ongoing contest has the potential to help the Democrats win — by making the eventual nominee a better candidate — if it can be kept civil. But then, I also think that I have the potential of living forever, assuming, of course, I c…
March 10th, 2008 at 10:49 am
Wye Knot, here.
Hilary proved herself to be a turn-coat a long time ago. She lost me when she said she favored war on Iran. When she said she’d reach into my pocket to hand what few bucks I have to insurance companies for worthless insurance, She lost me as an Anyone-but-a-Republican voter.
Finding out that Obama supported Liberman has soured me on him. Is it really true? The lack of positive change from the current Dems in Congress has soured me on the whole party.
I liked Nader in 2000. Now I think I’d rather go with McKinney.
I suppose there’s always hope that Gore will step up with Dennis Kucinich and form a viable third party. Not much, though.
This is Simon. I don’t think Hillary is so much a turncoat as that she has no center. Her behavior suggests that she will say whatever will get her the results she wants at that moment. Those comments she makes about ‘finding her voice’ are simply a matter of discovering how to best manipulate the voters of the the state she is currently trying to woo. If the tactic sounds familiar, think about what W claimed to be in the 2000 campaign. All you’ll get with Hilary is a shill for the highest bidder.